C++通用框架的设计 作者:naven
1 I/O流介绍
I/O流,即输入/输出流(Input/Output Stream),是软件框架中的核心系统。对程序设计语言设计者来说,设计一个令人满意的I/O系统,是件极艰巨的任务,也是不可缺少的基础设施。C++的标准模板库已经提供一套很不错的I/O流库了,但是我还是喜欢Java和.Net框架提供的那样的使用简单且扩展性强的I/O系统,而且还需要自行做一些改进已融入到C++通用框架体系中,由于I/O系统是框架的基础设施,所以设计它是很关键的任务。
本框架的I/O系统设计宗旨与Java的I/O系统设计初衷略有不同(Java I/O的设计原是为了防止classes膨胀,可是事与愿违),主要目标一是要让使用更简单,二是让扩展更简单。本I/O系统参考Java I/O设计,有InputStream/OutputStream和Reader/Writer两部分的类,但是含义略有不同,本I/O系统的InputStream/OutputStream定义为流设备,可将系统中任何设备或者内存或者内存中的对象当作输入/输出流设备,它们实现I/O系统最底层的输入/输出的基本操作。而Reader/Writer定义为流设备的读写器,它实现对InputStream/OutputStream的流设备的读写功能,可以组装和扩展读写功能,提供丰富的读写操作符。下面介绍一下I/O流主要的类:
class AbstractFile 表示I/O设备(如File、Socket等)的Abstract基类
class File 文件设备,表示系统的文件、目录等
class InputStream 表示输入流设备的Abstract基类
class FileInputStream 表示文件输入流设备
class SocketInputStream 表示Socket输入流设备
class StringBufferInputStream 表示String对象输入流设备
class OutputStream 表示输出流设备的Abstract基类
class FileOutputStream 表示文件输出流设备
class SocketOutputStream 表示Socket输出流设备
class StringBufferOutputStream 表示String对象输出流设备
class SystemFileOutputStream 表示系统文件(STDOUT等)输出流设备
class ConsoleOutputStream 表示系统控制台输出流设备
class STDERROutputStream 表示系统STDERR输出流设备
class STDOUTOutputStream 表示系统STDOUT输出流设备
class Reader 表示读操作器的Abstract基类
class BufferedReader 表示缓冲的读操作器
class FileReader 表示文件的读操作器
class InputStreamReader 把输入流设备当作的读操作器
class SocketReader 表示Socket的读操作器
class StringReader 表示String对象的读操作器
class Writer 表示写操作器的Abstract基类
class BufferedWriter 表示缓冲的写操作器
class FileWriter 表示文件的写操作器
class OutputStreamWriter 把输出流设备当作的写操作器
class SocketWriter 表示Socket的写操作器
class StringWriter 表示String对象的写操作器
2 Hello World!
// 定义一个文件的读操作器,它将自动创建文件输入流设备
FileReader fr("c:\\temp\\test.txt");
// 通过读操作器构造一个缓冲的读操作器
BufferedReader rd(fr);
String s;
// 一行行读取文件内容,并输出
// 注意:每一行自动带“\r\n”
while( rd.readLine(s) > 0 ) {
// 截掉后面的 \r\n 字符
printf("%s\r\n", s.c_str());
3 AbstactFile类
* Tests whether the application can read the file denoted by this
* abstract pathname.
virtual BOOL canRead() = 0;
* Tests whether the application can modify to the file denoted by this
* abstract pathname.
virtual BOOL canWrite() = 0;
* Tests whether the application can modify and read the file denoted by this
* abstract pathname.
virtual BOOL canReadWrite() = 0;
4 File类
"path = %s name = %s parent = %s\n"
"isAbsolute = %d absolutePath = %s\n"
"exists = %d canRead = %d canWrite = %d canReadWrite = %d\n"
"isDirectory = %d isFile = %d\n"
"lastModified = %d length= %d\n"
"lastModified time = %s\n",
file.getPath().c_str(), // 路径
file.getName().c_str(), // 文件名
file.getParent().c_str(), // 父级目录
file.isAbsolute(), // 是否绝对路径
file.getAbsolutePath().c_str(), // 绝对路径
file.exists(), file.canRead(), file.canWrite(), file.canReadWrite(),
file.isDirectory(), file.isFile(), // 是否文件或目录
file.lastModified(), // 最近修改时间
file.length(), // 文件长度
tff.format(file.lastModified()).c_str()); // 最近修改时间
5 InputStream类
* Offset for the file handle from origin.
long _position;
* Is this stream closed?
BOOL _closed;
* Report position in input stream.
virtual long tellp() { return _position; }
* Returns the number of bytes that can be read (or skipped over)
* from this input stream without blocking by the next caller of
* a method for this input stream.
virtual int available() = 0;
* Reads the next byte of data from the input stream.
virtual int read() = 0;
* Reads some number of bytes from the input stream and stores
* them into the buffer array b.
virtual int read(void *b, int len) = 0;
* Reads up to len bytes of data from the input stream into
* an array of bytes.
virtual int read(void *b, int off, int len) = 0;
* Skips over and discards n bytes of data from this input stream.
virtual long skip(long n) = 0;
* Closes this input stream and releases any system resources
* associated with the stream.
virtual void close() = 0;
6 OutputStream类
* Offset for the file handle from origin.
long _position;
* Is this stream closed?
BOOL _closed;
* Report position in output stream.
virtual long tellp() { return _position; }
* Flushes this output stream and forces any buffered
* output bytes to be written out.
virtual void flush() = 0;
* Writes len bytes from the specified byte array to
* this output stream.
virtual OutputStream& write(const void *b, int len) = 0;
* Writes len bytes from the specified byte array to
* this output stream.
virtual OutputStream& write(const void *b, int off, int len) = 0;
* Writes the specified byte to this output stream.
virtual OutputStream& write(int b) = 0;
* Closes this output stream and releases any system
* resources associated with this stream.
virtual void close() = 0;
7 Reader类
* Check this stream if is closed.
BOOL isClosed();
* Report position in input stream.
virtual long tellp() = 0;
* Read a single character.
virtual int read() = 0;
* Read characters into a portion of an array.
virtual int read(char *cbuf, int len) = 0;
* Read characters into a portion of an array.
virtual int read(char *cbuf, int off, int len) = 0;
* Reads up to <code>len</code> bytes of data from this input stream
* into an array of bytes.
int read(String &b, int len);
* Reads up to <code>len</code> bytes of data from this input stream
* into an array of bytes.
int read(String &b, int off, int len);
* Skip characters.
virtual long skip(long n) = 0;
* Tell whether this stream is ready to be read.
virtual BOOL ready();
* Tell whether this stream supports the mark() operation.
virtual BOOL markSupported();
* Mark the present position in the stream.
virtual BOOL mark(int readAheadLimit);
* Reset the stream.
virtual void reset();
* Close the stream.
virtual void close();
8 Writer类
fw << "This is the NOTICE log message"
<< 123456 << " "
<< String("fdsafdas ");
* Check this stream if is closed.
BOOL isClosed();
* Report position in output stream.
virtual long tellp() = 0;
* Write a single character.
virtual Writer& write(int c) = 0;
* Write an array of characters.
virtual Writer& write(const char *cbuf) = 0;
* Write a portion of an array of characters.
virtual Writer& write(const char *cbuf, int len) = 0;
* Write a portion of an array of characters.
virtual Writer& write(const char *cbuf, int off, int len) = 0;
* Write a string.
virtual Writer& write(String &str) = 0;
* Write a portion of a string.
virtual Writer& write(String &str, int len) = 0;
* Write a portion of a string.
virtual Writer& write(String &str, int off, int len) = 0;
* Flush the stream.
virtual void flush();
* Close the stream.
virtual void close();
9 InputStreamReader类和OuputStreamWriter类
FileInputStream fis("c:\\temp\\test.txt");
InputStreamReader isr(fis);
BufferedReader rd(isr);
String s;
while( rd.readLine(s) > 0 ) {
printf("%s\r\n", s.c_str());
C++通用框架的设计 作者:naven 日期:
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